Utah Tech University

Career Assessment

Career Services offers career and personality assessments, as well as a Career Exploration Extended Appointment, to help you develop and pursue a career plan. We recommend meeting with a Career Coach first to determine which assessment is a good fit for you.

Begin Your Career Exploration Here:


($15) “You Are Unique. You Are Powerful. Be Confident With Who You Are.” This assessment will help you learn about your personal strengths and how to use them. Includes an appointment with a counselor to review and understand your results, as well as how to use them in your career.

Make a Follow-Up Appointment

Career Coach

(Free) Discover majors and in-demand careers and education based on your interests! Take a short assessment, browse careers, and programs.  To be linked to Utah Tech sign in with your email.

Begin Exploring

Career Coach Extended Appointment

(Free) If you would like a more in-depth meeting with a coach, schedule a Career Exploration Extended Appointment. It is a 90 minute appointment that includes personal reflection and assessments to dive into your interests, strengths, and possible major and career paths.

Make an Appointment

Payment Options

Cash or Check

Visit the Cashier Office on the 1st floor of the Holland Building
Tell them which Career Assessment you would like to take
Make payment using the code: 3325


Pay here
Email receipt to careercenter@utahtech.edu to receive your access code
Make an appointment with a Career Coach to go over your results

Print Instructions

To print out full instructions: Print pdf


If you have a question or want to learn more, reach out to us!
Hours: Open M-F 8 – 5 pm
Career Lab Drop-in hours: T, W, TH, 1 – 4 pm

Office of Career Services

Career Services is currently accepting in person or virtual appointments. Schedule an appointment through Trails (Navigate Student App) or by contacting Career Services.

Email: careercenter@utahtech.edu

Phone: 435-652-7737

Office: 5th Floor of the Holland