Utah Tech University

Employer Resources

Employer Opportunities

Join us for career fairs with students

Career Fairs

Come and network with hundreds of Utah Tech Students looking for off-campus employment while in school, internships, and full-time positions.

Current Fairs

List a Job, Internship, or Career Opportunity

Looking to hire a student? Every student in Utah has access to the online platform Handshake. Sign up below to post a job and connect with top talent!

Hire A Student

Tabling & Lunch and Learns

Employers are invited to set up a table or provide lunch for students in order to share opportunities and educate student about their companies. To schedule a date and time, please reach out to Cheryl Brandt: Cheryl.Brandt@utahtech.edu

Alumni Networking Nights

Interested in attending an Alumni Networking Night? Connect with students and alumni across various fields to build relationships and explore opportunities. For more information, contact Leann at Leann.Weibert@utahtech.edu.

What is Handshake?

Handshake is a career network designed for college students and recent graduates. It connects users with employers to find internships, part-time jobs, and entry-level positions. The platform partners with universities, allowing students to create profiles showcasing their education, skills, and experiences. Employers can then recruit from a diverse pool of talent.

Handshake Resources for Employers

Employer Quickstart Guide

Employer Quick start Guide

How to Post a Job

How to Post a Job

Posting an Interview Schedule at the School

Posting an interview schedule at the school

Existing Employer Log-in

Employer Log-in

Register for a Fair

Register for a Fair

Choosing Your School

Choosing Your School


For information about Information Sessions and On-Campus Interviews, please contact our Employment Specialist

Cheryl Brandt

Student Employment Specialist

Email: cheryl.brandt@utahtech.edu

Phone: 435-652-7869

Office: Holland 517